Birthday party Events

Picture this: You’ve just been tasked with planning your best mate’s birthday party, and panic starts to set in as you realise you’re not sure where to begin. Fear not, because Arts on Tap has come to your rescue! Let us guide you in curating a celebration that will leave an everlasting mark.

Birthday party Events,

What we can offer

Birthday Paint and Sip Party

Kickstart the festivities with our classic Paint and Sip Party, where you and your guests will be guided in creating a unique masterpiece. It's the perfect way to get the creative juices flowing.

Tailored Masterpiece

As an optional extra, we can create a one-of-a-kind painting specifically designed for your special occasion. Imagine a canvas that seamlessly complements your chosen theme or playlist, making it a personalized work of art.

Playlist Perfection

Need assistance in curating the ideal playlist? Our team can help you compile a musical selection that sets the perfect mood for your celebration.

Signature Cocktails

Elevate your party with a signature cocktail crafted and prepared by our talented mixologist. A unique drink that adds a special touch to the festivities.

Venue Assistance

Struggling to find the perfect venue? Let us help you connect with one of our trusted partners to ensure your event has the ideal setting.

Our packages are designed with flexibility in mind, starting with a simple Paint and Sip Party as the base, with the other elements as optional extras. Don’t let party planning stress you out; Arts on Tap is your go-to ally for creating a birthday bash filled with laughter, joy, and unforgettable memories. Contact us now, and let’s make your best mate’s birthday a celebration to remember!”

Bespoke Artwork,

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